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After 15 min observation, the patient may leave the laboratory. We developed a protocol to measure GFR in conscious swine by using the plasma clearance of iohexol. We used two groups, test and validation, with eight animals each. Ten milliliters of iohexol (6.47 g) was injected into the marginal auricular vein and blood samples (3 mL) were collected from the orbital sinus at different points after injection. The plasma clearance of iohexol was described as a simple alternative to inulin clearance for the direct measurement of GFR in 1995. [27] Since then, iohexol clearance has been widely adopted as a gold standard measure of GFR in epidemiologic studies, and as an alternative to more cumbersome and expensive radionuclide measurements [22] [32] .

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In 1984, we introduced iohexol clearance as a method for the determination of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in clinical work (4). Since then, we have used the method extensively in experimen-tal medicine, and since 1988 it is the standard method for GFR measurements at our hospital. Iohexol clearance is now performed by at least 30 På förmiddagen ges en injektion av Iohexol via en venflon. Ett eller flera blodprov tas efter 3–5 timmar, men vid kraftigt sänkt njurfunktion (förväntat värde <20ml/min tas provet dagen efter. Tidsåtgång 4–5 timmar. Vid provtagning dagen efter, tidsåtgång: dag 1 ca 30 min, dag 2 ca 15 min.

Studying anephric patients, extra-renal clearance of iohexol was between 2 and 3 mL/min/1.73 m 2 [24, 33–35]. Studying the difference between plasma and urinary clearances in healthy subjects, the extra-renal clearance of iohexol was between 0 and 6 mL/min/1.73 m 2 [22, 26, 30, 36] or 5% .


Ten milliliters of iohexol (6.47 g) was injected into the marginal auricular vein and blood samples (3 mL) were collected from the orbital sinus at different points after injection. The plasma clearance of iohexol was described as a simple alternative to inulin clearance for the direct measurement of GFR in 1995. [27] Since then, iohexol clearance has been widely adopted as a gold standard measure of GFR in epidemiologic studies, and as an alternative to more cumbersome and expensive radionuclide measurements [22] [32] . METHODS: Two clearance estimates, two weeks apart, were undertaken in 11 healthy individuals and 26 diabetic patients with minimal to moderate renal impairment (chronic kidney disease stages 1-3).

Iohexol clearance protocol

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Iohexol clearance protocol

In protocol 1, a fixed contrast material dose (120 mL of iohexol 300) was delivered at an injection rate of 4.0 Iohexol clearance was used to measure GFR. S:t Göranprojekts (Making Projects) Anamnesis protocol for bipolar syndrom; Iohexol-Clearance. Medical history Protocol entered online by: Date: yyyy-mm-dd. Actual Medical History: Please specify: Iohexol Clearance. Enter value.

Iohexol clearance protocol

It has low extra-renal excretion, low protein binding (2-5) and is neither secreted nor reabsorbed by the kidney. Extra-renal clearance of iohexol is low Background Iohexol clearance is an accurate and precise exogenous marker of glomerular Þltration rate (GFR), but protocols are generally lengthy or require multiple sampling.
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Single-sample protocols  It is recommended by Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines in specific populations (anorectic, cirrhotic, obese, renal and non-renal transplant  ProtocoL för GFR-mätning med hjälp av Iohexol (SCOPE-PLUS) - En MGFR kommer att erhållas av bedömning av icke-radioaktivt iohexol-clearance.

Extra-renal clearance of iohexol is low An external proficiency programme operated by Equalis AB, Sweden, exists for iohexol, facilitating interlaboratory comparison of results. Plasma clearance measurement is the protocol of choice as it combines a reliable GFR determination with convenience for the patient.
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A nonrandomized open-label phase 2 trial of nonischemic

2.2 | Iohexol clearance protocol A standard protocol was used for performing the iohexol clearance tests via a limited sampling technique.23 Asingledoseofiohexol (Omnipaque™ 300) was administered at 300 mg iodine/kg intrave-nously through an IV catheter. Blood was collected at precisely 2, 3, Iohexol is a nonradioactive contrast medium, and its clearance from serum or urine is used to measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is the most useful indicator of kidney function and progression of kidney disease. Background Iohexol clearance is an accurate and precise exogenous marker of glomerular Þltration rate (GFR), but protocols are generally lengthy or require multiple sampling. Shorter or simpler protocols would be more practicable. Methods Two clearance estimates, two weeks apart, were undertaken in 11 Patienten får ej ha genomgått röntgenundersökning med jodhaltigt kontrastmedel 4 dygn före iohexol-undersökningen eller vara överkänslig mot jodhaltiga kontrastmedel.

2012 Vol. 18 Nr 2 - TIDNINGEN

2.2 Iohexol clearance protocol A standard protocol was used for performing the iohexol clearance tests via a limited sampling technique. 23 A single dose of iohexol (Omnipaque™ 300) was administered at 300 mg iodine/kg intravenously through an IV catheter. Abstract: Plasma clearance of iohexol was evaluated in eight anesthetized California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), without evidence of renal dysfunction, to determine if the one-compartment 2018-08-28 · Iohexol plasma clearance is the most convenient method for measuring GFR in almost all clinical settings. However, in particular situations, where the extracellular volume is increased (ascites, oedema, in intensive care units) the evaluation of urinary clearance may be considered a more reliable procedure ( 21 ). Iohexolclearance ger ett tillförlitligt mått på njurarnas glomerulära filtrationsförmåga (GFR). Används när en precis skattning av GFR är önskvärd såsom inför njurtransplantion, vid dosering av vissa läkemedel eller njurmedicinska frågeställningar.

mate and iohexol renal clearance. A newly developed liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay allowed concurrent measurement of iothalamate and iohexol in single urine and plasma specimens that minimized both experimental and bio-logical errors. METHODS Study Design This protocol was approved by the Mayo Clinic Institutional 2021-04-01 The protocol was approved by the local ethics com-mittee. All volunteers were informed and signed the consent form. Dual- and multi-sample methods (Clslope) Based on the one-compartment model, plasma clearance of iohexol was calculated using the slope and the inter-cept of the regression equation in the final slow clearance. Cl slope ¼ Q 0=C 1 Medscape - Indication-specific dosing for Omnipaque, Oraltag (iohexol), frequency-based adverse effects, comprehensive interactions, contraindications, pregnancy & lactation schedules, and cost information.