Fidelity Global Technology A-Acc-USD - fondkurs, utveckling


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There are flexible customization options and dozens of tools to help you understand where prices are headed. Få al information om Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR: Beholdning, udvikling, risiko og rating, Sammenlign over 1200 fonde hos Nordnet. Bliv kunde og handl i dag. "The global water supply is finite and there is no new water," says Janet Glazer, portfolio manager for the Fidelity ® Water Sustainability Fund (FLOWX).The fund invests in companies that are helping drive greater efficiency, extending the lifecycle, improving infrastructure, and developing disruptive technologies. Handla fonden Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR hos oss. Vi har över 1200 fonder att välja bland. Bli kund gratis på 3 min med BankID!

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Fidelity Global Technology ökade 15,7% under det fjärde kvartalet, vilket var bättre än fondens jämförelseindex som ökade 10,4%. Under 2020 har fonden avkastat totalt 32,3 procent, jämfört med index som stigit 33,6%. Under kvartalet gynnades fondens relativavkastning av sin exponering mot bland annat halvledarbolag och hårdvarubolag. Objetivo de inversión: Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund A-Acc-EUR: El fondo pretende facilitar a los inversores un crecimiento de capital a largo plazo, invirtiendo principalmente en valores de renta variable de empresas en todo el mundo que ya tengan, o vayan a desarrollar productos, procesos o servicios, que den u obtengan beneficios de los avances y mejoras tecnológicas. Effective October 27, 2017 the Fund’s name was changed from Fidelity Global Technology Fund was changed to Fidelity Technology Innovators Fund. There were no changes to the Fund’s strategies or objectives as a result of the name change. The latest fund information for Fidelity Global Technology W GBP, including fund prices, fund performance, ratings, analysis, asset allocation, ratios & fund manager information.

Vi upp till halverar fondavgiften på 1 400 fonder.

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Köpavgift, 0,00%. Säljavgift, 0,00%.

Fidelity global technology

Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR - Fondmarknaden

Fidelity global technology

The fund aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth, principally through investment in the equity securities of companies throughout the world that have, or will, develop products, processes or services that will provide, or will benefit significantly from, technological advances and improvements. All information om Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg. Jämför över 1200 fonder hos Nordnet. Bli kund och handla idag. Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund a sub -fund of Fidelity Funds A-Euro (ISIN: LU0099574567) This fund is managed by FIL Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A. n The fund aims to provide long-term capital growth with the level of income expected to be low. n The fund will invest at least 70% in the shares of companies throughout 2020-08-08 2020-08-05 Investment Objective: Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund W-Acc-GBP.

Fidelity global technology

Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund A-Acc-USD (hedged) Actions. Placeringsinriktning: Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund A-DIST-EUR: Fonden investerar i företag som har utvecklat eller kommer att utveckla teknologirelaterade produkter, processer och tjänster, samt i företag som kan förväntas dra nytta av tekniska framsteg. Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR. Översikt Historik Fidelity (FIL Inv Mgmt (Lux) S.A.) FondStorlek: 10577,02 milj EUR . Key statistics for Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund W-Acc-GBP (LU1033663649) plus portfolio overview, latest price and performance data, expert insights and more Fondbolag: Fidelity (FIL Inv Mgmt (Lux) S.A.) Senaste NAV-kurs: 44,03 USD: NAV-datum: 2021-04-09: Fondförmögenhet(milj) 107 843,61 USD: PPM-nummer-ISIN: LU1046421795 Investment Objective: Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund W-Acc-GBP: The fund aims to provide investors with long-term capital growth, principally through investment in the equity securities Trouvez toutes les informations sur le fonds OPCVM Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR - EUR de Fidelity (FIL Inv Mgmt (Lux) S.A.) : cours, performance, analyses, actualités, graphique Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund a sub -fund of Fidelity Funds A-Euro (ISIN: LU0099574567) This fund is managed by FIL Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A. n The fund aims to provide long-term capital growth with the level of income expected to be low. n The fund will invest at least 70% in the shares of companies throughout Fonden Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR steg 4,8 procent i februari, vilket var bättre än fondens jämförelseindex som steg 1,3 procent. Sedan årsskiftet har fonden avkastat 8,7 procent och är därmed bättre än index som har ökat 2,2 procent.
Att räkna med

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Get instant access to a free live streaming chart of the Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund A-acc-usd fund. The chart is intuitive yet powerful, offering users multiple chart types including area, lines, bars and Heiken Ashi. There are flexible customization options and dozens of tools to help you understand where prices are headed. Få al information om Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR: Beholdning, udvikling, risiko og rating, Sammenlign over 1200 fonde hos Nordnet.
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Sedan årsskiftet har fonden avkastat 8,7 procent och är därmed bättre än index som har ökat 2,2 procent.

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Förvaltningsavgift, 1,50 %. Minsta köpbelopp, 1 000. Handel, Dagligen. Köpavgift, 0,00%. "Genome editing at the crossroads of delivery, specificity, and fidelity".